

Managing work Stress for Working Professionals

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Managing work Stress for Working Professionals

Job stress is a common phenomenon experienced by many individuals in the workforce. It is a type of psychological pressure or tension that arises from the demands and expectations of a job and the individual's beliefs and values. Job stress can show up in various ways, such as physical, emotional, and behavioral symptoms. Common causes of job stress include excessive workload, job insecurity, low levels of autonomy, interpersonal conflict, and poor working conditions. If not appropriately managed, job stress can impact an individual's overall health and well-being, as well as their job performance and satisfaction.

Causes of stress in the Corporate Sector 

The corporate sector is known for being a high-stress environment, with many factors contributing to this phenomenon. One major cause of stress in this sector is the inability to cope with the demands of the Job, which can lead to feelings of overwhelm and burnout. Some other reasons for the cause of stress during a job:

  • Coping with high job demands: Employees may experience job stress due to feeling overwhelmed by their workload, deadlines, and job expectations.
  • Lack of control over the work: Employees with limited autonomy can lead to stress and dissatisfaction. It can cause feelings of being micromanaged or a lack of trust in their abilities.
  • Experiencing workplace conflict or being a victim of bullying: Interpersonal conflict or bullying can cause significant stress and emotional strain on employees.
  • Fear of job loss or layoffs: Fear of losing one's Job due to layoffs or downsizing can cause significant stress and anxiety for employees.
  • Working overtime due to reduced staffing levels: When staffing levels are low, employees may be required to work longer hours to meet their workload demands, leading to stress and burnout.
  • Pressure to meet higher expectations without increased job satisfaction: When employees are expected to meet higher job expectations without a corresponding increase in job satisfaction, it can lead to stress and dissatisfaction.

Signs of Stress in Corporate Job 

The signs and symptoms of an individual going through a high-stress level because of their jobs and challenges can be observed very clearly. Pointing out the signs and taking immediate steps to overcome them is essential. Some common signs of stress from a high-pressure job are:

  • Team-level signs of stress: Arguments, high staff turnover, increased stress reports, more sickness absences, decreased performance, and more complaints and grievances.
  • Behavioral changes: Increased time off, arriving late to work, and being more nervous or fidgety than usual.
    Changes in thinking and emotions: Mood swings, withdrawal, loss of motivation and confidence, and increased emotional reactions such as tearful, sensitive, or aggressive.
  • Other physical signs: Headaches, fatigue, digestive problems, and trouble sleeping.

Managing Stress at the Job 

The stress an individual faces at work can often affect his personal life too. It is essential to manage stress by taking control of your life. Here are some tips and tricks you can apply to overcome the anxiety you face at your workplace.

  • Seek help and support: If you're stressed at work, reaching out for help is essential. Talk to your manager, a colleague, or a counselor to get the support you need.
  • Take control: Look for satisfaction and meaning in your workplace. Be proactive about your job and workplace duties, and prioritize tasks to manage your workload effectively.
  • Manage your mindset: Break bad habits that contribute to workplace stress, such as perfectionism. Only try to control some things, as many things at work are beyond your control. Focus on the matters you can manage and think positively about your work.
  • Use humor: Humor is superb for relieving stress in the workplace, but it's essential to use it appropriately.
    Take care of yourself: Manage your time by creating a balanced schedule, planning regular rejuvenating breaks, and establishing healthy boundaries. Get adequate sleep and manage your eating habits to maintain your overall well-being.


It is essential to take care of mental stress. Otherwise, it can lead to severe mental health disorders. It is always advisable to seek outside help if the stress is not manageable by yourself.
If you're someone or know someone struggling with work-related stress, get connected with Solh Wellness. We have specialized packages for work-life balance that can help you manage stress efficiently. Our Solh Talks | Leading Ladies is hosting a special guest this week, Ms. Trisha De Niyogi, who will be speaking about her journey in publishing journey & much more. Download the Solh Wellness App to watch the full episode.