

Healing Through Grief: Taking Care of Your Mental Health

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Healing Through Grief: Taking Care of Your Mental Health

Experiencing the loss of someone or something dear to you is undeniably one of the most agonizing aspects of life.

When a significant person, an important role, an ability, or a period of time is suddenly taken away, it can leave us feeling bewildered and adrift, uncertain of how to proceed with our lives. The intense array of emotions that surge through us during these times is known as grief, a natural process that touches every one of us at some point.

For some, grief can manifest as a weight pressing heavily on the chest. Others might feel a sense of emptiness, isolation, mental haze, exhaustion, guilt, disbelief, or even anger. Many individuals experience a mix of these emotions while navigating the aftermath of a loss, and this variation is perfectly normal. It's important to recognize that grieving is a unique journey, and everyone traverses it at their own pace.

Though people often associate grief with the passing of a loved one, any substantial loss that fundamentally alters the course of your life—especially if it's sudden—can trigger a grieving process.

Examples of life-altering events that commonly lead to grief include:  

  • The end of relationships, including divorces
  • Dealing with chronic or terminal illnesses
  • The loss of a significant amount of time
  • Being let go from a job or facing financial instability
  • Transitioning into retirement
  • The death of a beloved pet
  • The dissolution of a friendship
  • Experiencing a miscarriage
  • Feeling unsafe due to trauma or abuse
  • Selling a family home


When confronted with such profound loss, it's easy to neglect your own well-being, particularly your mental health. This is especially true when others around you are also hurting and seeking support. However, sidelining your mental health can escalate the risk of conditions like depression and anxiety. Prioritizing your mental health is vital for coping with grief and embarking on the path to healing.

Mental Health Strategies for Navigating Grief and Loss:  

Allow Yourself Time to Grieve: Grief is an intricate, unpredictable, and draining process. A fundamental aspect of dealing with loss is recognizing that grief takes time. With patience and self-compassion, the burden of grief gradually lightens, and you begin to gather strength to move onward. Grief often ebbs and flows in waves, so extend kindness to yourself if you need additional time and support to progress. 

Seek Connection with Trusted Individuals: Many individuals find solace in solitude as they process their emotions following a loss. While introspection is valuable, prolonged isolation can lead to loneliness, which adversely affects overall well-being. Once you're ready, connect with friends, family, spiritual leaders, or community members who provide a sense of security. Even if conversations are minimal, sharing time together offers essential comfort and emotional sustenance.

Attend to Your Physical Needs: Coping with loss encompasses emotional and physical dimensions. If you find eating, sleeping, or staying active difficult, your physical health can be impacted. Recognize the interconnectedness of mind and body, and ensure your basic requirements—such as nourishment, rest, and exercise—are met. This will contribute to both your mental stability and physical vitality.

Re-Engage in or Explore Hobbies: After a loss, it's common to lose interest in hobbies or social activities. However, engaging in activities you enjoy offers an outlet for grief while stimulating your mind and body. Whether it's painting, gardening, writing, fishing, or cooking, investing time in your interests aids in maintaining mental and physical activity. If previous hobbies no longer resonate, embrace the chance to explore new pursuits.

Consult a Mental Health Professional: The loss of someone or something significant can make you feel as if you've lost your way. Life's trajectory shifts drastically, and the path ahead seems uncertain. This is a natural response, but dwelling in grief for extended periods might indicate a need for additional support. Speaking with a mental health professional provides a platform to express your feelings while gaining tools to navigate your new path and embark on the journey toward healing.


Grief is a deeply personal experience, varying even among family members facing the same loss. It often comes in cycles or waves, marked by intense emotions lasting hours or days, followed by periods of relative normalcy. Over time, these cycles may ease as you adapt to the loss. Adjusting doesn't imply diminished care for the loss; rather, it signifies that grief becomes more familiar as time passes. Certain dates, like holidays or anniversaries, might trigger grief, but adjusting allows you to navigate these times with a different perspective.

At Solh Wellness, we recognize the significance of mental health, so we've curated a range of powerful self-help tools designed to enhance your mental well-being. Our offerings include journaling, goal setting, self-assessment tests, mood analysis, and an extensive library of enriching content to explore and learn from. Take charge of your journey towards personal growth and improved mental health with our comprehensive self-help resources.