

Dyslexia: Symptoms, Causes and How to Overcome

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Dyslexia: Symptoms, Causes and How to Overcome

Some of the greatest brains and artists in history, including Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Leonardo da Vinci, and Pablo Picasso, have struggled with dyslexia. Everywhere you look in the world, you will see dyslexic people who have succeeded despite early struggles with reading and writing.     


This is so because dyslexia is merely a difference in the way the brain processes language; it is not a disability. Additionally, it has advantages like increased creativity, the capacity to see the big picture, and the ability to combine information from various subject areas, which translates into sharp problem-solving abilities.     


A distinct method of processing information in the brain results in dyslexia. While it is frequently linked to bad spelling and trouble decoding words when reading, it can also foster more creativity, original thought, and the capacity to perceive the big picture.      


The most prevalent and thoroughly researched of the learning impairments, dyslexia affects 80% of all people who are labeled as having a learning disability. It was initially recognised over a century ago by a British physician.      


Dyslexia, sometimes known as a reading handicap, is brought on by individual variations in language processing regions of the brain. Problems with IQ, hearing, or vision are not the cause of dyslexia. With tutoring or a specialized education programme, the majority of dyslexic youngsters can achieve academic success. Additionally crucial is the role of emotional support.     


Despite the fact that dyslexia has no known cure, the best results come from early diagnosis and treatment. It's possible for dyslexia to go undetected for years or to only become apparent in adults, but it's never too late to get treatment.     

Symptoms of Dyslexia      




-Problems recognizing names & sounds of letters     

-Trouble remembering and recognizing rhymes, such as in nursery rhymes     

-Doesn’t recognize the letters in their name     

-Late talking     

-Learning new words slowly     


Kindergarten and First Grade     


-Struggle to learn sequences of days, weeks, months     

-Slow writing     

-Poor handwriting     

-Struggles to connect letters with their sounds     

-Problems remembering or naming letters, numbers and colors  


School age     


-Problems remembering the sequence of things     

-Difficulty seeing (and occasionally hearing) similarities and differences in letters and words     

- Mispronouncing names or words, or problems retrieving words     

-Spending an unusually long time completing tasks that involve reading or writing     

-Difficulty summarizing a story     

-Trouble learning a foreign language     

-Difficulty doing math word problems     

What causes Dyslexia?      


Neuroanatomical: Dyslexia results from a deficit in the brain's capacity to convert visual or auditory information into language. It has been established that a dyslexic person's brain is structurally and functionally unique from other people's.     


Genetics: Genetic factors have been connected to dyslexia. M. M. Nothen and his colleagues conducted research that suggests that chromosomes 6 and 15 contain genes that may be responsible for the inability to learn spellings.     

Overcoming Dyslexia   


Early intervention is the first step in treating dyslexia because it is a lifelong condition. Next comes multisensory teaching methods and emotional support. Screening and watching the person read are supplementary but helpful activities. Children and adults who have trouble reading should have their hearing and vision checked because these senses are essential to reading.      


It is more likely that a person will grow into a self-confident individual if they are raised in a positive, encouraging, and upbeat environment where they are shown understanding and respect as individuals.     


At Solh Wellness our mental health professionals make diagnosis, they’ll design a treatment plan to best address your specific needs. Our key message is straightforward: dyslexic thinking is needed in the world right now. And by changing the mindset of every one to identify, support, and empower every dyslexic person, we hope to empower dyslexic thinking in the future.