

A Mother's Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Beyond

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A Mother's Guide to Pregnancy, Birth, and Beyond


For most women, pregnancy and new motherhood are joyous— at least sometimes. However, most mothers also experience worry, disappointment, guilt, competition, frustration, anger, and fear. There are no rules or instructions to be a perfect mother; it depends entirely on how you perceive and nurture it. However, I would recommend knowing the basic information a woman should know prenatal and postnatal. Hence, I would like to share a few of my knowledge, experiences, and tips through this article. 

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Journey of a Woman Through Motherhood      

When I say "a woman's journey through motherhood," it is not just during her pregnancy and post-delivery. It is the entire journey from when she decides or plans to have a child. It is a surreal moment when a woman realizes she is carrying a child within her and may look forward to having many more such moments to cherish through her journey. This journey must be treated with the utmost tenderness, love, devotion, sanity, and a healthy environment. When all these are provided in the right way with the support of your family, it is a blessing. There are many women who want to be mothers; however, they need to be made aware of the main areas to be considered and taken care of. It is essential to educate each and every woman before they get pregnant to have enough knowledge about their pregnancy journey.

Some of the essential tips to be considered before and during pregnancy are as follows:

● Have a healthy lifestyle and prepare yourself and your partner to welcome a baby. 
● Take advice and guidance from parents and doctors. 
● Take vitamin tablets during pregnancy. 
● Take proper medication with regular doctor check-ups. 
● Exercise as advised by the doctor during pregnancy. 
● Educate yourself.
● Learn and practice Kegels. 
● Avoid toxins. 
● Adapt to chores that are beneficial to your health. 
● Wear shoes while going for walks and shopping. 
● Drink lots of water. 
● Eat fruits, fish, and folate-rich foods. 
● Wear sunscreen whenever stepping out. 
● Plan your travels smartly. 
● Be clean and safe. 
● Make new friends. 
● Pamper yourself properly. 
● Take rest and enjoy your pregnancy journey. 
● Read books that educate you about postpartum concerns, and do not panic. 
● Know when to consult or call a doctor.

From the above few points, it will be a smooth journey for every woman to have a safe pregnancy.

As we know, pregnancy is a long period between 38-40 weeks, divided into three trimesters. Each trimester has its own hormonal and physiological changes, and all stages are different for each individual. As the baby grows inside the mother, many changes occur, and it is better to prepare yourself to adapt to those changes. Though it is not a tough journey, it is also not easy! The more you prepare yourself, the easier it becomes to handle and enjoy each phase gracefully. 

It's often noticed that women get worried, panicky, and more emotional during this time. It is a natural process due to the hormonal changes that occur, and you can share these with your partner, family members, or even your gynaecologist. It would help you make things simpler. Having an endless number of questions and queries is another factor we often observe. These feelings of curiosity build in you as you think about the child growing inside. Reading books and keeping yourself engaged in the way you like will help you be calm and composed. Reading will improve your knowledge, and if it relates to your journey, it will be a bonus for you and your child.


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The days are different once the child is born, and one has to be mentally and physically prepared for this. Whether you have a standard delivery or a c-section, both have pros and cons. The more we adapt to the situation, the shorter the healing period will be. 

If you'd ask me how I managed, mine were both c-sections, and the pain was immense during my first delivery. However, there is no way out, so being strong and handling it was the only option I had or anyone would have (no choice). Later, being an experienced mother, I was able to cope with the second delivery much better, and it gave me much more confidence to handle things. I could see myself walking and caring for the baby even before I got home (after the c-section, one is generally hospitalized for five days). Hence, I realized that understanding the pain and working towards it helped me and kept me calm. At the same time, everything depends on your support system. If your family is with you, no matter what, everything will be fine.

When you welcome a baby into your life, you must make a number of changes. Some changes happen without planning, but some have to be pre-planned. One should ensure they get enough 'me-time' for themselves so they do not get stressed or overwhelmed.

● Never let yourself down. 
● Spend time with your partner and keep that bond alive. 
● Do not compare yourself with other mothers. 
● Enjoy each and every moment of being a mother and allow yourself to feel it completely. 
● Try to capture those lovely moments as a memory to cherish for long. 
● Let yourself be emotional and vulnerable, and at the same time, do not forget to get back to that strong woman in you. 
● Do not let your emotions overrule you. 
● Keep yourself happy and healthy with good vibes around you. 
● Listen to music.

Above all, having an understanding partner is like a 'cherry on the cake.'

As the child grows, we feel, "Yes, now I'll be a little free...." No, not at all! The responsibilities and duties grow with time. A mother is the first teacher for every child. Being a mother is one of the most important roles a woman can ever play. Mothers play a huge role in their children's lives, caring for them, loving them, teaching them, and so on. As a mother, she helps the child develop in many areas, like emotional, physical, social, independence, and cognitive. Bringing up children is a challenging task. It happens with both parents' participation. However, the initial years are spent more with the child and mother. So the child develops a special bond with their mother. That does not mean that they do not bond well with their fathers. They do, and that is something that completes their relationship as a family. 

To this, I want to add another important fact that the women who give birth are not the only ones who enjoy motherhood. The women who adopt children, who are foster moms, also enjoy the phase of motherhood in their lives. They play the role of mothers to the children they care for, and it is the same as how birth mothers do. They do not compromise on anything for their child or children. 

Motherhood does not have a fixed period, it's endless. Even if your children are grown into adults, their mothers will always have a special place for them in their hearts. They do everything they did for them during their childhood, whether cooking food, taking care of their day-to-day needs, or washing clothes or dishes. They do not complain or get angry while doing any of these things. It is done out of love and affection, which they continue to show as long as they can. To have such wonderful, loving mothers is a blessing to all those children in this world. Let's hope that they grow and become an example for future generations. 
On the occasion of celebrating "Mother’s Day" this month, I hope and wish all mothers to be as lovely as they are while having a healthy and happy life with their loved ones.

Happy Mother's Day! 


Soorya Naroth 
Counseling Psychologist