

World Hypertension Day | MomMeTime

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World Hypertension Day | MomMeTime

In 2023, the theme is Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control It, Live Longer, focusing on combating low awareness rates worldwide, especially in low to middle income areas, and accurate blood pressure measurement methods.

The act of measuring blood pressure is a technical skill that is best performed by a qualified medical practitioner. When diagnosing blood pressure for the first time, it is recommended to take three separate readings in different positions, including standing, lying down, and sitting on a chair. However, in certain regions such as India, it may be beneficial to train healthcare providers such as ASHA workers and NCC cadets on how to accurately measure blood pressure.

Many of us may find ourselves asking the question, "Why me?" when faced with adversity such as a business setback or being diagnosed with a health condition like diabetes or hypertension. It's easy to fall into a state of denial and wonder if we somehow deserved this misfortune, despite our efforts to live a healthy lifestyle. Comparing ourselves to others who may drink, smoke, or be overweight can also be a tempting coping mechanism.

However, it's important to recognize that dwelling on "Why me?" may prevent us from taking the necessary steps to address the issue at hand. By focusing on self-pity, we may miss out on the motivation and drive needed to overcome our challenges. Instead, we can look to the many examples of sports personalities and scientists who have achieved incredible results by combining motivation with proper medical care.

It's also important to recognize that any illness or disease can take a toll on our emotional well-being. The hurt and pain we feel may stem from a deeper place than just the physical ailment itself. By acknowledging these emotions and seeking support, we can better navigate the challenges that come with any diagnosis. So, let's shift our focus from "Why me?" to "What can I do to overcome this?" and take charge of our health and well-being.

In order to move forward and heal, it's important to let go of past hurt that may be holding us back. Acceptance of others and shifting our focus from expectations to forgiveness, kindness, and gratitude can aid in this process. By doing so, we not only positively impact our own lives, but also those around us. Practicing these three golden rules of life can act as a catalyst for our own personal growth, and contribute to a more harmonious and compassionate world. By clearing our emotional clutter, we can open ourselves up to new opportunities and experiences that enrich our lives.


  • Earn honestly as you spend it on buying food for yourself and your family members.
  • You become what you eat, so eat healthy foods.
  • You also become what you think, so think honestly.

Hurt can impede our motivation and achieving balance in life is just as important for our emotional and mental states as the law of gravity is for maintaining balance in the physical world. To help those with uncontrolled hypertension, I recommend a simple visualization exercise. Instead of focusing on the negative, visualize a happier, healthier outcome like having a blood pressure of 120/80 in 30 days. Visualizing positive outcomes boosts motivation and encourages a healthy mindset. A daily exercise of visualizing a source of pure light before bed can help foster positivity and well-being. These minor adjustments can promote overall health and happiness.

Since no spiritual exercise have any side effect, there is no harm in doing it for at least three weeks. Patients of other diseases including hypertension, can also do such simple exercises of visualization, like mentioned above. But never ever forget medicine and motivational therapy work in tandem.

Most of us think therapies are only for patients suffering from psychiatric ailments, but there are many motivational therapies for patients suffering from diabetes and hypertension too. Many of them are referred to with acronyms — such as PCT (Person-Centered Therapy), CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), and CCT (Client-Centered Therapy).

Finding the right type of therapy can involve some trial and error, so don't feel discouraged if you're not sure what you need. Different types of therapy offer different benefits, from behavioral changes to exploring your personal history and patterns of thought and behavior. There's no one "right" answer, and your preference may change over time. Remember to be open to trying new approaches, and don't hesitate to discuss your goals and concerns with your therapist to ensure you find the best fit for you.

To help you weigh your options, I have provided an abridged glossary below. 

  • Interpersonal Therapy
    Interpersonal role disputes:  Is the patient "hopelessly" at odds with someone of vital importance to that person? Mostly help is – a] you help the patient determine what the dispute is about so person sees both sides, b] clarify patients position on dispute and bring clarity and objectivity .c] identify any ways in which patient might have miscommunications or misperceiving the other person. d] Modify all unrealistic expectations.
  • Role Change: If parents are having problems with children, or children with parents, we ask children to sit in their parent’s seat and see what could be done in their position, similarly parents are asked to think like their children, and see how children perceive various issues.
  • Supportive Therapy: The goal of this therapy is to evaluate the patient’s current life situation as well as strengthens and weaknesses and then to help the person to make whatever realistic changes will allow them to be more functional.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy [CBT]: CBT treats dysfunctional thinking that leads to maladaptive behaviors, mental illness, and negative emotions. It focuses on thoughts that drive behaviors.

The way a person interprets life experiences on a day to day basis determines how person feels day in and day out.

People with emotional distress tend to interpret their experiences in dysfunction, distorted way; these become the core beliefs of person.

Over time, these distortions become habitual errors in thinking, common logical errors include, among others OVERGENERALISATION (for example-if something went wrong once, a similar event is likely to go wrong) MAGNIFICATION (blowing an event out of proportion), SELECTIVE ABSTRACTION (drawing conclusions from detail taken out of context) and PERSONALIZATION (relating an event to yourself when there is no reason to do so).

Our dysfunctional core beliefs and logistical errors are often accompanied by automatic thoughts. These thoughts are reflexive and can arise in many situations, often so quickly that we are hardly aware of them. Despite their subtlety, they can have a significant impact on our emotional reactions to events. It's important to become more conscious of these automatic thoughts, as they can reinforce negative beliefs and patterns of behavior. By identifying and challenging them, we can begin to reframe our thinking and make more positive choices for ourselves.


  • Marital Therapy: Therapy of a married couple is often required as many issues erupt if some health problem relating to married life or mental health problem are not addressed properly with patience.
  • Gestalt Therapy: Gestalt therapy emphasizes personal responsibility and helps clients focus on the present. It stresses the development of the therapist-client relationship, and the client's direct experiences, attitudes, and perceptions — rather than interpretations.
  • Psychoanalytic or Psychodynamic Therapy: The psychodynamic approach explores unconscious feelings/thoughts and the impact of the past on the present. It is the oldest type of psychotherapy and closest to what Sigmund Freud created in the early 20th Century.
  • Spiritual Counseling: Even WHO acknowledges advantages of spiritual therapies. People who had lost hope benefited from this therapy from Kashmir to America. One thing I want to make LOUD AND CLEAR, spiritual counseling does not mean therapy by FAKE faith healers or people who claim they can cure your cancer in two days, beat patients or any unscientific claims.

Choosing the right type of therapy can be a daunting task. With so many different options available, it can be hard to know where to start. However, therapy can be a life-changing experience, and finding the right type for you is crucial. The first step is an interactive assessment with a matching therapist who can help you identify your therapy needs.

If you're unsure of where to start, your matching therapist will ask the right questions to help you articulate your preferences. Remember, if you find that your chosen therapist or therapy type isn't the best fit, you can always change your therapist at any time.

When it comes to hypertension, stress reduction is a must. Chronic stress can contribute to high blood pressure, so counseling can be an effective tool for managing this condition.

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