

Use Journaling in Solh App to Express Yourself with Anonymity

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Use Journaling in Solh App to Express Yourself with Anonymity

The Journaling feature of the Solh App is your personalized mental health space where you find essential help and support from unrelated peers while expressing your thoughts, feeling, and emotions. You get the option to add an emoticon as well that represents your feelings. This feature also helps you learn from the experiences and success of unrelated peers as you learn how they overcome their mental health difficulties.    


Select the ‘My Diary’ feature to store your thoughts in a safe place and use them as per your comfort in the future. Journaling undoubtedly helps to ensure good mental health as you get complete freedom to open your heart & mind without fear of being judged. Through this feature, you reach many non-judgmental ears who unconditionally get ready to listen to you.    


Dedicated volunteers, counsellors, and caretakers are also there. The more you talk more help you get. Anonymous writing undoubtedly helps to overcome different kinds of mental health difficulties. However, you get the freedom to reveal your identity if you feel comfortable. Express yourself and make choices to decide who can read/like your posts or start interacting with you.    


Few Interesting Features to Discuss are :    


Personalized Mental Health Space    


Journaling is your personalized mental health space that helps to express feelings, thoughts, and emotions candidly. Time constraints do not cause any problems, and Solh App remains on a round-the-clock basis. In addition, you get the option to use relevant emoticons representing your mood and feelings.         




This feature undoubtedly proves the most-preferred part of this personalized mental health space. People who like to remain anonymous while disclosing their hearts and mind admire this feature as they conveniently meet expectations. They can also choose to reveal their identity based on comfort and choice.    


My Diary     


Most of the time, you have considerable thoughts but want to avoid publishing. Use ‘My Diary’ to keep them safe for future use. Technical teams of Solh App also have provided the facility to choose a category like Publically, My Diary, or Connections. It simply means you can easily decide who can read your posts and who not!    


Unrelated Peers    


Journaling never lets you down when it comes to finding unconditional help and support from unrelated peers. Meet thousands of unrelated peers to start chatting. It is a 24/7 convenience to use anytime.           


Non-Judgmental Ears    


Using this personalized mental health space always proves the best decision to find non-judgmental ears within seconds, even during dark hours. It simply means you never remain option less while looking for the required support and help without fear of being judged.         


Learn from Success and Experiences of Others    


Journaling proves the best mental health space for those who want to avoid the risks of trying something new and prefer learning from the experiences and success of others. Freely read the candid comments of others to choose the right way to go.         




Using the Journaling feature of the Solh App always proves an excellent approach to multiple terms. You always find it easy and quick to write your negative/positive thoughts to relieve stress and calm your mind. Candid writing on personalized mental health space always helps to improve mental well-being while reducing stress and anxiety.