

Untold Solh | From Loss to Empowered: A Journey of Grief, Love & Success!

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Untold Solh | From Loss to Empowered: A Journey of Grief, Love & Success!

Today, we are thrilled to share the Untold story of a young individual whose life took a series of unexpected turns. Still, she found the courage to face reality and build a successful future through dedication & the loving memories of her parents.   

"It all began in 2006 when I was just a little 7 yr old; my beloved Papa got his first mental attack, and the world we knew forever changed. We rushed him to IHBAS, where doctors declared that my father had lost his memory. It was heartbreaking to see him like that, but we held on to hope.   

In search of a remedy, the doctors suggested electric shocks, and fortunately, my father began to recognize us again. However, his mental illness made him violent and aggressive, and he could no longer work in order to earn a livelihood. As a result, my mother took the lead and started working to support the household, she was in charge of all finances, and we managed all these years well.   

But in 2021, life threw another curveball at us, and Papa's mental health relapsed. Meanwhile, his shocks, mumma & Papa both got infected with COVID-19.   

And we lost Papa.   

I performed all the rituals alone and was still dealing with losing my father. But, within three days, I lost my mother too. I also thought of ending my life, but my momma's words stuck with me.   

Mumma never taught me to run from problems; she always said, 'Face reality.'   

With a heavy heart but With her wise words guiding me, I faced every challenge with positivity, got a good job, and started earning money.   

Today, I am moving toward achieving my dreams, keeping both of them safe in my heart!"   

  ~Saloni Nanda   

Your Voice Matters:    
If you wish to share your experiences, opinions, and stories or want your voice to be featured, we invite you to reach out to us at 

UNTOLD SOLH is here to provide a platform where your voice can be heard, cherished, and celebrated. Together, let us continue to foster a world where diversity is embraced and every individual can live authentically and with pride.   

Let's stand together, celebrate the diversity of our experiences, honor untold stories, and work towards a future where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.