

Strategies for promoting a Healthy Self-Image and Body Positivity

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Strategies for promoting a Healthy Self-Image and Body Positivity

Self-image is how we see ourselves, also known as our internal dictionary. It describes our strengths and weaknesses and helps collectively represent our characteristics. Forming of self-image is a product of learning, influenced by early childhood experiences such as parents and caregivers. Self-image is a kind of mirror, that reflects back to us an image of ourselves, our experiences with others, and the relationship that we form. The images that we see in the mirror may be real or distorted, thus developing either a positive or a negative self-image. With a positive self-image, one recognizes and owns their strengths while being realistic about one's weaknesses as well , while with a negative self-image, one focuses on one's faults and weaknesses, distorting individuals' failures and imperfections.

Strategies to Build a Positive Self-Image    

The formation of self-image is not permanently fixed; it keeps on changing. There are some of the steps to develop a positive self-image, they are:

  • Taking a self-image inventory: Self-image inventory helps one to know what are the things that will help us to form either a positive or negative self-image.
  • Make a list of all the positive qualities: This strategy will definitely help in forming a positive self-image. As humans, knowing positive things about us definitely helps in creating a positive self-image.
  • Define personal goals and objectives that are reasonable and measurable.
  • Confront thinking distortions: Distortions, is something that puts the person in a dilemma to choose what is right or wrong. Therefore, it is necessary to confront one distortion to form a positive self-image.
  • Identifying and exploring the impact of childhood labels: Forming of positive self-image starts from early childhood experiences; one must identify and explore the impact of childhood labels.
  • Refrain from comparing yourself to others: Individuals like to compare themselves with others related to anything; thus, for building a positive self-image, one needs to refrain from doing so as it creates a negative self-image.
  • Learn to love yourself: Most important thing is to love oneself and then love others, thus creating a positive self-image.
  • Give yourself positive affirmations: Affirmations, and that too positive helps to build a positive self-image.
  • Remember that you are unique: One must remember that each and every human is unique, thus, having a different image of themselves.

Body image is a part of self-image only, wherein we are concerned about our body; thereby, body image development is affected by culture and the influence of family and peers. Body image is also not fixed; as we grow up, our body image also changes.

Strategies to Build a Positive Body-image    

  • Exploring one's body image with its strength and limitations: Each and every individual has a different body. One should always try to explore their body and have a positive viewpoint of their strengths and limitations.
  • Be a friend to your body with positive affirmations: Treat your body as your friend; give positive affirmations for the same.
  • Accept and Love who you are: Acceptance is the most important part. The most important thing is to love and accept your body.
  • Challenging the misleading assumptions about body appearance: People assume a lot of things about others' appearance; challenge those assumptions and respect your body.


The strategies for promoting a healthy self-image and body-positivity are mentioned above, still faced with any issue, we at Solh Wellness, we work to provide people with proactive mental health solutions before their situation worsens. To proactively support your mental health, try out several techniques and make self-care a priority in your daily life. Download the Solh Wellness App to start experiencing the transformation.