

Signs To Identify A Toxic Relationship

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Signs To Identify A Toxic Relationship

It is a common saying that relationships are a journey that requires mutual trust, support, and understanding. Relationships require a lot of effort and hard work to maintain. There will be times when relationships will have fights and rough patches, be it with a family member, romantic partner, friend, or colleague. However, it is essential to identify how your relationships affect your mental, emotional, and physical well-being, which can be identified as a toxic relationship.        

Below are the signs that will help you identify whether you are in a toxic relationship:     

  • Hostile Environment: A relationship is said to be in a hostile environment when you feel unsafe emotionally, mentally, and/or physically. Signs of hostility can look like constant anger, yelling, or throwing objects. The other partner might use verbal hostility by continuously trying to break you down, disrespecting you, or constantly speaking to you unkindly. Blackmailing, unproductive and hurtful comments, and physical abuses are warning signs of a hostile environment and an overall toxic relationship. It is advisable to take a break from this toxic relationship.        
  • Imbalance of Power: Most healthy relationships thrive on an equal balance. Every relationship is different, and different dynamics work for different people. You might be in a toxic relationship if there is a clear or intense power dynamic. The person might set up “absurd rules” for you, and you might feel a responsibility to ask for permission before doing everything. Don’t let this become a habit. Act on it before it becomes too exhausting.        
  • Feeling Drained: Toxic relationships often leave us feeling drained and exhausted from all the daily struggles, disrespect, or from striving to be perfect. If you feel continuously drained during or after spending time with this person, this relationship might need to be reevaluated. Relationships require work, but they shouldn’t make us feel drained or dull.          
  • Being Jealous or Highly Possessive: Being jealous or possessive about each other is a common thing in a relationship, but being extra jealous and possessive can be harmful. There might be instances where your partner or friend calls you or keeps a check on you constantly and then starts to argue or panic when you try to make them understand your valid point. It is advisable to move out of this relationship.        
  • Being Blamed for Their Emotions: You do not own responsibility for how your partner feels at all times. If you feel attacked or lashed out by your loved one when they had a bad day, you might need to reevaluate your relationship. This pattern implies that your life is controlled by the other person’s emotional wellness, which often builds resentment. It’s important to remember that you are not responsible for how someone else is feeling.        

We all deserve to be in healthy relationships where there is mutual love, understanding, respect, and space for each other. Confronting your past is a brave first step in the journey to a happier and healthier future.