

Imposter Syndrome: Symptoms and How to Heal

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Imposter Syndrome: Symptoms and How to Heal

Did you perform really well in the past and now have started doubting your skills and competency then take time out, reflect and think? Has Imposter Syndrome entered your life to adversely impact your mental wellbeing?

This syndrome is also known as perceived fraudulence. It includes feelings of self-doubt and personal incompetency. These feelings last for long despite having a good educational background, experience and achievements.

A person, suffering with this syndrome, consistently struggles with restlessness and nervousness as well as shows signs & symptoms of anxiety and depression.
This term is usually closely applied to intelligence and achievement. Imposter Syndrome is also linked to perfectionism and social context.

Some common characteristics of imposter syndrome include:    

  • Inability to properly evaluate your efficacy & competency
  • Attributing achievements to external factors
  • Fear of not living up to the expectations
  • Sabotaging success
  • Trying to meet challenging goals and feeling disappointed when fails
  • Thinking success is impossible
  • Feelings of being incompetent despite having good potential
  • Feeling incapable to deliver similar performance again & again
  • Uncomfortable while receiving appreciation/congratulations
  • Remain doubtful about getting success
  • Consistently feel pressure to improve

Impact of Imposter Syndrome    

Impacts of Imposter Syndrome vary from person to person. As a matter of fact, it motivates some people but expectations of doing good come at a cost. Constant anxiety is one of the biggest issues to remain careful about.

You actually end up doing more than required preparations before starting working on any assignment. Additionally, anxiety aggravates with the course of time and may become severe.

One of the most problematic issues with Impostor Syndrome is that your achievements, regarding a particular assignment, do nothing to change your beliefs. You actually keep thinking "What gives me the right to be here?" More you achieve, the more you feel like a fraud. It is like that you always find it difficult to adapt to your experiences of success.

Your thought process changes in a way that you always consider it as a stroke of luck even if you do well with full proficiency. People, suffering with Impostor Syndrome, prefer not to talk with anyone regarding their feelings. They in fact choose to struggle in silence just like those with Social Anxiety Disorder.

Healing Imposter Syndrome    

It is easy to overcome this disorder with a few simple steps. You can consider below mentioned measures to fetch required results.

  • Share your feelings with others
  • Celebrate all big/small successes
  • Stop believing in perfectionism
  • Cultivate self-compassion
  • Acknowledge your failures

Mental well-being is very important for every person to experience a good life. Ensure that you always follow good habits, eat healthy and maintain good relationships with family and relatives. Your network always provides necessary care & support when you need it.