

How To Choose The Right Therapist For You?

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How To Choose The Right Therapist For You?

This question often comes to mind when looking for counseling or a therapy session. Most of us surf the internet about therapists near us or go to the one recommended to us by someone. As therapy is something we connect to our counselor on a personal level, we share our life stories with them and seek their expertise on how to deal with the difficult situations affecting our mental health severely.

Look for these things while finding the right therapist :  

  • Credential: Look into the therapist's credentials, whether certified to address your concerns or not. Every therapist has specific areas of expertise, so if you are seeking relationship counseling, look for a therapist who specializes in that particular area, as they will be able to deal with your case more systematically and nicely than the one who specializes in rehabilitation.
  • Compatibility: The connection between a therapist and their patient is crucial for successful therapy. While a positive experience with a therapist may be encouraging, it does not guarantee the same outcome for everyone. Establishing comfort and rapport with a therapist is essential. The "therapeutic alliance" involves mutual agreement on therapy goals and methods, effective communication, and collaboration. Research indicates that this alliance is more important than the specific type of therapy used. Therapists who genuinely support their patients tend to yield better results, regardless of therapy style. Therapists are advised to monitor interactions, addressing any issues affecting trust or communication to ensure the alliance remains strong. Ultimately, a solid therapist-patient relationship significantly influences therapy's effectiveness.
  • Therapy: When choosing therapy, consider your condition and preferences. Short-term options like CBT and Interpersonal Therapy are effective for anxiety and depression. Psychoanalytic therapy may be better for certain conditions. Body-centered therapies like Somatic Experiencing can address trauma. Therapists use a mix of methods tailored to your needs.

Things to remember after scheduling an appointment:  

Even though we have discussed the importance of a good match, here are some questions you can ask yourself and the therapist to make a well-informed decision:

  • Comfort and Connection: Am I at ease sharing with this person? A strong Is the therapist empathetic and attentive
  • Agenda and Commitment: Are they pushing for commitment without understanding your motivation or options
  • Credentials and Expertise: What are their qualifications and experience with your condition?
  • Therapy Options: Can they explain why one therapy type suits you better?

Fees and Billing: How is payment managed, and is there flexibility?  

  • Collaboration: How do they work with your psychiatrist or PCP, enhancing care quality?
  • Availability: Do they offer evening/weekend hours, and how often should sessions occur?
  • Goals: What are the agreed-upon therapy objectives and endpoints?

What to expect during treatment and how to decide when to stop:  

  • Initial Challenges: Feeling worse initially is common as hidden issues emerge. If you consider quitting due to this, talk to your therapist first.
  • Emotional Shifts: Experiencing mixed feelings toward your therapist, called "transference," is natural. Addressing this prevents premature quitting and fosters genuine progress.
  • Engaging with Homework: Therapies like CBT may include tasks like journaling or relaxation exercises. If you resist, your therapist should explore this resistance—a vital step for progress.
  • Therapeutic Goals: Uncover self, relationships, and condition insights. Enhance coping with anger, depression, anxiety, improve self-care, and prevent relapse.
  • Medication Transition: Collaborate with your mental health team for safe medication reduction if feasible. Avoid self-adjustment due to potential risks.
  • Closure Talks: Discuss ending therapy with your therapist as goals near fulfillment. External input from friends/family provides extra perspectives on your progress.
  • Sustained Progress: Keep in mind that progress often endures even after therapy concludes.


In the journey towards better mental health, a therapist's choice can significantly influence therapy's success. It's essential to approach this decision thoughtfully, considering factors like credentials, personal connection, and therapy type. A strong therapeutic alliance and effective communication lay the foundation for progress. Throughout treatment, embracing challenges, addressing emotions, and actively participating in therapy tasks are pivotal. As therapy advances, working towards goals, considering medication adjustments, and planning for closure are important steps. Ultimately, therapy is a collaborative effort that can lead to sustained personal growth, improved well-being, and lasting progress when navigated with careful consideration and commitment.

At Solh Wellness, we offer comprehensive mental health services, including our "Solh Discovery Session" to help individuals find the right therapist for their needs. On top of that, we provide resources as well as self-help tools to practice self-care and mindfulness.