

How Do Mental Illnesses Develop?

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How Do Mental Illnesses Develop?

Experiencing mental health problems is quite common these days. An individual often finds it difficult to ask for help for mental health-related concerns because of the stigma attached to mental illness. This fear is emphasized by the negative portrayal of the person with mental illness in movies and the societal point of view.

Due to this, most individuals often ignore that they have mental illness until and unless it starts affecting their daily life routine. After months of suffering, they get themselves into proper treatment, which their friends or some loved ones mostly recommend, as the individuals are unaware that their mental health is not good and need help.

There are multiple reasons that an individual can be suffering from mental illness: 

Brain chemistry-  It has now been observed by multiple psychiatrists and neurologists that genes play a significant role in deciding the chances that an individual will be diagnosed with mental illness. That is why the psychiatrist takes the patient's family history to understand if there are any genetic factors involved, and if it is, then the course of treatment for that individual will be entirely different.

In some cases, the individuals may be born with some neurological problems( epileptic seizure, down syndrome), which makes them more prone to mental illness. For example - in some individuals, the neurons are incapable of producing the right amount of dopamine or serotonin, so they feel more severe sadness than others. To treat this, the psychiatrist often recommends pills that help block the reuptake of dopamine or serotonin (whichever is less created ), which enriches the happiness scale of the patient.

Physical causes- When an individual is met with an accident or has hit their head pretty severely, they may develop mental illness. The most common example of this could be the individuals who are the victims of severe car accidents; they often tend to develop amnesia (memory loss) and many other mental illnesses.

Social causes- Multiple social factors affect individual's mental well-being; here are some:

  • Childhood abuse, trauma, or neglect
  • Social isolation or loneliness
  • Experiencing discrimination and stigma, including racism
  • Social disadvantage, poverty or debt
  • Bereavement (losing someone close to you)
  • Severe or long-term stress
  • Having a long-term physical health condition
  • Unemployment or losing your job
  • Homelessness or poor housing
  • Being a long-term carer for someone
  • Drug and alcohol misuse
  • Domestic violence, bullying or other abuse as an adult
  • Significant trauma as an adult, such as military combat, being involved in a serious incident in which you feared for your life, or being the victim of a violent crime.


Unfortunately, experiencing mental health problems is common today, yet the stigma surrounding such issues often hinders individuals from seeking help until their daily lives are severely affected. This reluctance is amplified by negative portrayals of mental illness in media and societal biases. Often, it takes the encouragement of friends or loved ones to prompt individuals to seek treatment. Mental health conditions can arise from various factors, including genetic predispositions and imbalances in brain chemistry. Physical causes like head injuries can also lead to mental health challenges. Social factors, ranging from childhood trauma and discrimination to social isolation, financial difficulties, and exposure to domestic violence, significantly impact mental well-being. Recognizing these factors and promoting open discussions about mental health are essential steps toward addressing this pervasive issue and providing adequate support for those in need.

At Solh, we recognize the significance of mental health, which is why we've curated a range of powerful Self-Help and Community tools designed to enhance your mental well-being. Our offerings include  Journaling, Goal Settings, Self Assessment tests, Mood Analytics, and an extensive library of enriching content for you to explore and learn from. Take charge of your journey towards personal growth and improved mental health with our comprehensive self-help resources.