

Contribution of Solh Wellness to Prevent Downward Spiral

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Contribution of Solh Wellness to Prevent Downward Spiral

Emotions are a complex part of the human experience. They can be positive or negative. Positive emotions, such as happiness, joy, and love, can boost our mood and make us feel good. Negative emotions, such as sadness, anger, and fear, are associated with feeling down and make us feel bad.

Sometimes, we can get stuck in a loop of unpleasant emotions. It starts with a negative event or experience, which triggers a series of unpleasant emotions, such as sadness, anger, or fear. These emotions lead to negative thoughts and behaviors, which in turn reinforce the negative emotions. This cycle of unpleasant emotions, which is referred to as the ‘emotional loop’ can be very difficult to break. The emotional loop can continue for weeks, months, or even years if not addressed, and is a vicious cycle that can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems. 

We may not have control over everything that happens to us, but we do have control over how we respond. There are things we can do to intervene early and break the cycle.

First, let’s take a look at the five stages of the emotional loop:  

Stage 1: Sadness or Loneliness: The Starting Point  

When we start to make changes to improve our mental health, it's normal to feel some discomfort as we let go of old patterns. This can also be triggered by life events, such as the loss of a loved one, major life changes, or a sense of disconnection from others. During this stage, it's common to experience a range of emotions, fatigueness, heaviness in the chest, or a lack of energy. 

Stage 2: Early Symptoms of Dejection: A Call for Attention  

These symptoms serve as a call for attention, indicating that something deeper might be going on inside us. Emotionally, we may start to lose interest in activities we once enjoyed, leading to a sense of apathy or indifference. Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia or oversleeping, may become apparent, and concentration and focus can become challenging. 

Stage 3: Reinforcement of Warning Signs : A Crucial Crossroad  

If the early symptoms of dejection are ignored, they may progress to the third stage: reinforcement of warning signs. During this stage, negative emotions intensify, and self-destructive behavior may emerge. People might constantly anticipate the worst, doubt their abilities, or experience frequent bouts of sadness and despair. Social withdrawal and avoidance can become pronounced, making it challenging to connect with others.

Stage 4: Hopelessness: Descending into Despair  

If the warning signs are ignored, we enter the fourth stage: hopelessness. What this stage signifies is not the fact that the case becomes ‘hopeless’ but rather the perpetual emotional state of the person. At this point, mental health is significantly impacted, and a deep sense of despair takes hold. Emotionally, feelings of emptiness, worthlessness, and helplessness prevail, making it difficult to envision a brighter future. Negative thoughts may dominate every aspect of life, making it challenging to find any hope or positivity. Social isolation becomes more extreme, and the desire for connection diminishes. 

Stage 5: Clinical Depression, Anxiety, and Disorders - Depths of Desolation  

In this phase, an individual's mental well-being is profoundly affected, negatively impacting relationships, work, and physical health. Emotionally, there may be persistent feelings of sadness, despair, or extreme anxiety that disrupt daily functioning. Thoughts may be dominated by self-deprecating beliefs, intense worry, or intrusive thoughts. Physically, symptoms such as fatigue, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances, and psychosomatic symptoms may be prevalent. Behaviorally, individuals may struggle with maintaining relationships, experience difficulties at work or school, or engage in self-destructive behaviors.
If the loop is not broken, it can continue for weeks, months, or even years, resulting in significant consequences across various aspects of life. Functional impairment, academic and professional setbacks, strained relationships, financial burden, and long-term consequences are among the potential impacts of delayed intervention. 

However, by recognizing the early signs of dejection and seeking support, even if the emotional loop has progressed, comprehensive treatment can still be effective in restoring emotional balance and improving quality of life. 

Role of Solh Wellness   

Solh Wellness is a platform that focuses on early intervention in mental health. We provide a judgment-free safe space to individuals with the aim to offer affordable, accessible, 24x7 available, and personalized help through a range of free tools and solutions so that people can work on their mental health in a better manner. 
Our various tools such as Journaling, Talk Now, Solh Buddy, Self-Assessment, Goal Setting, Mood analytics, among others, can help individuals in improving their mental health and advancing onto the path to mental wellness.

You can also Read: Solh Wellness: A Healthier Alternative of Social Media


It's essential to recognize the importance of seeking support and taking action early in these stages to positively impact our mental health. Opening up and sharing how you’re feeling with trusted individuals like friends, family, or professionals can provide comfort and fresh perspectives. Early intervention significantly reduces the risk of developing more severe emotional conditions, allowing for a greater chance of recovery and improved mental health.

At Solh, we recognize the significance of mental health, which is why we've curated a range of powerful self-help tools designed to enhance your mental well-being. Our offerings include journaling, goal setting, self-assessment tests, mood analysis, and an extensive library of enriching content for you to explore and learn from. Take charge of your journey towards personal growth and improved mental health with our comprehensive self-help resources.