

Complex PTSD: Symptoms and Risk factors

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Complex PTSD: Symptoms and Risk factors

Are you aware of the fact that Complex PTSD can reduce your productivity, skills and efficacy? Cases of this mental health disorder are increasing on a regular basis. Therefore, it is important to remain careful and consider all measures to escape. Let us start with a complete understanding.         

Complex PTSD and (PTSD) are identically the same but with smaller changes in symptoms. Complex PTSD occurs when a person, irrespective of age or gender, experiences repeated trauma for a prolonged period of time.       

People, suffering from complex PTSD, show various symptoms of PTSD but may also experience additional and more severe symptoms.  Possibilities of getting diagnosed with related conditions are also there:       

  • Enduring personality change after catastrophic experience (EPCACE)       
  • Disorders of extreme stress not otherwise specified (DESNOS)       

Symptoms of Complex PTSD       

Experts have observed that symptoms of CPTSD significantly overlap the symptoms of PTSD. So, it becomes necessary to know the symptoms of both. Usual symptoms of PTSD and complex PTSD are:       

Prefer avoiding situations which remind traumatic events/people       

  • Feeling dizziness/nausea upon remembering worst experiences       
  • Hyperarousal (remain on high alert every time)       
  • Firmly believe that world is a dangerous place to sustain       
  • Lack of self-confidence        
  • Show feelings of no-trust in others       
  • Fail to experience easy sleeping        
  • Finding it difficult to concentrate       

People with PTSD or CPTSD may also feel:       

  • Evaluate self with negative approach: People evaluate self with negative approach  as well as feel helpless, guilty and ashamed. They also consider themselves to be different from people around them.       
  • Changes in beliefs and worldview: People always observe the world and the people in it with a negative mindset. They also start losing faith in previously held principles and doctrines.       
  • No control over emotions: During this condition, people generally find it extremely difficult to regulate emotions even if it is necessary. They easily get furious or extremely sad. Possibilities of suicidal thoughts also remain present.       
  • Relationship problems: Negative self-view on a persistent basis causes problems in relationships. No-trust and no-interaction aggravates the problem even more.         
  • Detachment from the trauma: Some survivors even reported complete Amnesia of the trauma.       
  • Preoccupation with an abuser: It's common to use unreasonable opinions during conversation.        

Symptoms of complex PTSD might vary from person to person as well as change with the course of time. Some other symptoms are also on the list.        

Risk Factors Associated With CPTSD       

Few differences between PTSD and CPTSD are common. More research and studies are needed to determine the effectiveness of specific healing techniques for CPTSD against the use of treatment created for PTSD.       

Both PTSD and CPTSD occur due to trauma but PTSD is triggered by a traumatic event like an accident, natural disaster, or something more significant. On the contrary, CPTSD occurs when a person experiences repeated trauma, for a certain period of time, under the influence of another person.        

Some examples of this type of trauma are:      

  • Prison/concentration camps       
  • Brothels       
  • Domestic violence       
  • Child abuse (physical/emotional)       
  • Organised child exploitation       
  • Traumatic effects for black people       

Researchers are still making efforts to categorize this trauma. However, leading mental health experts agree to the fact that duration of the traumatic exposure is more strongly linked to CPTSD than the age at which it occurred.