

Coaching Culture and its Implications on the Mental Health of Kids

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Coaching Culture and its Implications on the Mental Health of Kids

Nowadays, parents and students remain highly cautious about studying and getting good grades. Accordingly, students follow a busy routine that spans from regular schooling in the morning hours to additional tuition/coaching classes during the evening. This situation essentially needs to be streamlined because the problems it causes can turn out to be serious in nature. 

Unfortunately, it is a widely prevalent issue in urban areas and is slowly gripping almost every kid to aggravate the current scenario. Society must seriously consider this growing concern and consider some critical measures to prevent children from suffering from any type of mental health disorder. 

This pattern usually goes like this:

Wake up at 6 AM
Get ready for school
Attend school
Come back at 2 PM
Run for tuition

This hectic study routine has changed their lifestyle to a large extent, as students do not get enough time to play outdoor games or focus on extracurricular activities. Lack of outdoor activities adversely impacts their health. The bigger side of this problem is that things do not seem to be improving in the near future.     
This situation is now part of lifestyle and they have serious implications for the mental health of children. Their social skills, physical health, and stress levels are all affected. This stress in turn causes even more problems. They also put financial pressure on those who cannot afford these classes. It can cause burnout and an inability to pursue any skills beyond academics.

Some Useful Ways To Solve The Problem Are:

- Parents need to carefully monitor their children's activities and play with them if possible. They can also try teaching themselves while providing required help to complete homework and other tasks.

  • - Parents should regularly interact with them to understand their mindset and preferences. Do not forget to evaluate early signs of any kind of mental health disorder.
  • - Never pressurize students to score good marks or remain ahead in class. It causes a lot of stress to them. Kids are very sensitive and parents, caregivers and teachers need to be very careful towards their mental health.

- Encourage them to participate in different kinds of entertaining & learning activities. 

- Play outdoor games with your children. It will help them to maintain good physical health and help them socialize with people around while learning good habits and productivity skills.

Parents must take good care of the overall development of their children. There are numerous opportunities available in the world outside. Keep kids mentally & physically fit. 

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