Masculinity As A Barrier To Mental Health!

Masculinity As A Barrier To Mental Health!

Mental health difficulties are quite common among people. Working professionals are more prone to develop these disorders than family persons. The gender gap does not play any role in affecting any person's mental well-being. Still, it has been found that males generally remain reluctant to discuss these problems, and maybe masculinity proves a reason to do so. Males are said to be physically strong and always try to showcase that their mind is as strong as their body and cannot develop any difficulty despite facing hardships. It is undoubtedly a wrong perception as well as proves a barrier to good mental health. Solh Wellness observes November as Men's Mental Health Awareness Month, which aims to raise awareness of various issues affecting men's health. Our #LetsTalkMen campaign also alerts society that men face mental health issues, and there's a need to raise awareness about the same. This month we aim to debunk myths and misconceptions about men and mental health in society through various sessions or 'Solh Talks' (as we call them) with eminent personalities.

Time Session Topic Name
12:00-12:30 PM Session 1 Suicide and Men Mr Kapil Gupta
12:30-01:00 PM Session 2 Why don't men talk about mental health? Dr Devashish Palkar
01:00-01:300 PM Session 3 People say men don't talk, true or false? Dr Tarun Sehgal
01:30-02:00 PM Session 4 Mental Health of Men Dr Charan Teja Gokanti
